
Translated Lyrics

Listed below are the lyrics from the album ‘Hetjuslóð’ translated to English and in original language. The songs are in numeric order. Thanks to John Áki Egholm for the translations with guidance from Pól Arni Holm.

Hetjuslóð (2019)


In the old long lost time
There was a wonderful girl.
She was so good, she was so gentle
She was furthermore so devotional

There was a cross standing in her cabin
Where she was always kneeling
When the moon let his heartblood
Shine on the cross

Once she went into the dense forest
And aimed her eyes
While she was praising her maker
Up to the stars high above

Then she lost control
And thirst was plaguing her
At the end she was so discouraged
She cried and lamented

Oh God how can I come
This evening to my cabin
I lost my way
And cannot move a foot anymore

I am so thirsty and here is
Not even adem little drop
Only wild animals and ghosts
Oh God, what can I hope for

But look, who believes in God
Will find help by him in times of need
Where her tears fell, a well sprang
And laughed in the sunset

She drank from the clear well
And followed happily its course
Who was leading with his flowerful bank
To her little hut

Saint Kirsten sleeps in sweet slumber
In the gentle arms of her grave
But every midnight hour she comes
And looks at her well

How blue her eyes are
How her looks sparkle
Come and look up
The path that Kirsten shows.


I gammel længst forsvundne tid
Der var en dejlig pige
Hun var så god hun var så blid
Hun var så from tillage

Et krucificks I hytten stod
For det hun altid knælte
Når månen med sit hjerteblod
På krucifikset dvælte

Engang hun gik I tætte skov
Og fæstede sit øje
Imens hun sang sin frelsers lov
På stjernen i det høje

Da for hun vild på spæde fot
Og tørsten hended plaged
Til sidst hun blev så huv i mod
Hun græd og sig beklaged

Ak Gud hvorledes kommer jeg
I aften til min hytte
Jeg rent forfejled har min vej
Jeg kann ei foden flytte

Jeg er så tørstig og her er
Ej allermindste dråbe
Kun vilde dyr og spøgelser
Ak Gud hvad kann jeg håbe

Men se hver den som tror på Gud
Den hjælper han i nøden
Hvor tåren faldt et væld sprang ud
Og lo i aftenrøden

Da drak hun af det klare vand
Og fulgte bølgen rolig
Den ledte med sin blomsterrand
Til Kirstens lille bolig

Skt Kirsten hviler sødt i blund
I gravens arme milde
Dog kommer hun hver midnat stund
Og stirrar på sin kilde

Som hendes øjne den er blå
Som hendes blik den blinker
Kom i som går der ovenpå
Se leden Kirsten vinker.


Seeking, sneaking, sailing in
Out of the fog the menacing flock came
Burning, beating, destroying everything
On the path were no mercy is given
Pillaging and stealing everything I had dear
And you cannot defend yourself from this
When the messenger of death visits me
He attacks the land and suffocates you

The revenge will have your head
Nobody will be spared anymore
Your meager defense becomes weaker – now.

Rushing, seeking, sailing north
To find the exiled, stolen from me
Ravaging, revenging, threatening words
Mercy and peace you will not possess
Deserting and burning with fire I will
Like you, when you visited me last time
The revenge will hit your sore back
With broken bones and maimed lay down and see

The revenge will have your head
Nobody will be spared anymore
Your meager defense becomes weaker – now.


Søkjandi, snikjandi, siglandi inn
úr tokuni kom tað hóttandi lið.
Brennandi, lemjandi, sorlandi alt
á vegnum tað ei bleiv givið grið.
Rænt og stolið alt mær kært,
og ikki tú fært teg frá hesum vart.
Tá deyðans boðberi vitjar meg,
hann herjar um lond og kvalir teg…

Hevndin vil hava títt høvur,
Eirast skal eingin meir.
Verndin tín veika skal vikna… nú.

Stimandi, søkjandi, siglandi norð
at finna tað útlagnu stolnu hjá mær.
Herjandi, hevnandi, hóttandi orð
griðin og friðin hann ognast ei tær.
Oyða og brenna við bálið vil eg,
sum tú tá seinast vitjaði meg.
Hevndin skal raka tín sára rygg,
beinbrótin meiðslaður ligg har og hygg…

Hevndin vil hava títt høvur,
Eirast skal eingin meir.
Verndin tín veika skal vikna… nú.


I know of a ballad
Made with fitting words
Jallgrímur and Havgrímur
Were in power in the old days

Let the dance boom, boys
Proudly enter the ring
There stands the bride

Jallgrímur and Havgrímur
Ruled over many houses and land
One was in Upland
But the other in Bjarmaland

They were counseling
Like their forefathers used to do
“The king shall not rule
North of Heroya Land [Heroy, islands in Norway]

There came down to Bjarmaland
Fifty strong knights
Havgrímur answered:
“What kind of guests are they?”

One of the knights answered
Smiling under his hood
“Harald, king of Norway,
He sent me to you.

Harald sent us here
Without much kindness
Either you pay taxes for the land
Or fight against us.”

Havgrímur starts to speak
Tells of what to do:
“Here there have been no taxes
As far as the brave remember.

I am raised in Bjarmaland
I will not tax the land
King Harald shall not
Ask or hear of that!”

They carried away his possessions
Which were made of pure silver
“Take the chieftain
And carry him outside!”

They attacked the young Havgrím
Wanted to carry him out
He took out his sharp sword
That could cut armour well


Eina veit eg rímuna,
Íð? gjørd við nýtum orðum,
Jallgrímur og Havgrímur
ráddu fyri í forðum.

Latum dans og dynja, dreingir,
Og nú stoltsliga stígið í ring,
stendur hon væl frúva.

Jallgrímur og Havgrímur,
ráddu for fyri búnum brandi,
hann var seg á Upplondum,
men og hin á Bjarmalandi.

Løgdu sær so ráðni við,
sum fornir gjørdu í forðum,
„Tað skal ikki kongur stýra
her um Heljar norður.“

Har kom niður á Bjarmalondum
fimmti riddarar reystir,
tá svaraði Havgrímur:
“Hvat eru tað for fyri gestir?”

Svaraði ein av sveinunum,
hann smílist undir lín:
“Haraldur kongur av Noregi
hann sendi meg til tín.

Haraldur hevur oss higar sent,
ikki við so blíðum,
antin skalt tú landið skatta
ella ímóti stríða.”

Havgrímur so til orða tekur,
mælir av tungu inna:
“Her hevur eingin skattur gingið
alt tað, ið frægir minnast.

Eg eri alin á Bjarmalondum,
giti ei landið skattað,
ikki skal hann Haraldur kongur
fregna tað og frætta!”

Bóru burt hans borðbúnað,
gjørt var av silvuri reina,
„Takið nú tann høvdinga,
og berið út á teinar!“

Løgdu hendur á Havgrím unga,
ætlaðu út at bera,
hann vá upp sín bitra brand,
væl kundi brynjur skera.


I jumped out to the see in this dark night
Foreign guests came to my house
Smashed down my door
Destroyed my home

Out of the night you can hear voices:
Where is he, who mocks me?
Hear now, friend, one thing you should know
Fate shall meet you

Swim now, friends and heroes, the journey is long
We are hunted like wolves in the pitch dark night
Even if we lose our lives
We still win

Out of the night you can hear voices:
Where is he, who mocks me?
Hear now, friend, one thing you should know
Fate shall meet you


Mítt lop fór út í havið, tann myrka nátt,
fremmandir gestir komu á mína gátt.
Smildrað mín hurð
Sorlað mítt heim.

Úr náttini hoyrast nú røddir:
Hvar er hann, ið háðar meg?
Hoyr tú frændi, eitt skalt tú vita,
lagnan skal raka teg!

Svimjið nú seggir og vinir, leið okkar long.
Vit veiddir verða sum vargar á bølniðu nátt.
Missa vit lív,
vinna vit fram.

Úr náttini hoyrast nú røddir:
Hvar er hann, ið háðar meg?
Hoyr tú frændi, eitt skalt tú vita,
lagnan skal raka teg!


Hear me now today
Sit down, hear my song
My winged friend
Do you want to know what I sing?

My voyage back home
Hidden fear, foreign shores
Fly your flight
To my mountainous land

Everything I gave
From my heart to you
Bleeding forever and ever
My love

Your path is free
From the width of the sea to the heath
Don’t let them cut
Your wings like mine

I wanted to help there
My Land far away that was
Hidden fogland
In the stillness by the sand

Everything I gave
From my heart to you
Bleeding forever and ever
My love

I bring the message to town
My flame burns bright
Tell about my cause
Of the hard grip

Do I see Land
My ill-fated journey
Croaking can be heard
High up Beinisvørð

Everything I gave
From my heart to you
Bleeding forever and ever
My love


Hoyr tú meg í dag,
set teg her hoyr mitt lag.
Veingaði vinur mín,
vilt tú vita, hvat eg kvað

Ferðin mín heim,
fjaldur ótti fremmand strond.
Flúgv tú flogið títt
til fjallalandið mítt.

Alt sum eg gav,
av hjarta til tín.
Bløðir í ævir
Kærleiki mín.

Fríð er tín leið
Frá havsins vidd til hagateig
Lat tey ei skerja teg
Vongin tín mín sum meg.

Vildi eg hjálpa har,
fjarskotið land mítt tað var.
Fjalta tokuland,
í kyrrini við sand.

Alt sum eg gav,
av hjarta til tín.
Bløðir í ævir
Kærleiki mín.

Beri eg boð í bý,
bjart brendi login mín.
Tel tú mina søk
um harðrend fastatøk.

Síggi eg land
og figginda lagnufør-
Ravnagorr hoyrast
Hátt um Beinisvørð-

Alt sum eg gav,
av hjarta til tín.
Bløðir í ævir
Kærleiki mín.


Grimmer goes to the ground
He could play well with is sword
Give me the virgin Ingeborg
Before our lord’s voyage

Now he sails
Grimmer, from land.

I think you are so small
You can’t even cut yourself
Where are you from, Giant

I am not so small
I can well defend myself
When I fight with the giant
My sword I can use well

Grimmer turns to the door
Both with sadness and concern
What answer did you get by my father
Said virgin Ingeborg

That was little Grimmer
He steered his boat to the land
That was the giant warrior
He reached him his white hand

We go to Vimmings height
There will take place the fight
One of us shall lose his life
Before we leave the ring

The first strike the warrior took
He was so grim in words
He hit on little Grimmer
So he fell to the ground

The little Grimmer got up
He didn’t take long
You have to hit me another time
Before the sun sets

The second strike was made by Grimmer
He hit with his right hand
He hit the gilded helmet of the warrior
So hard the heart stopped.

The warrior spoke in the same moment
As he fell dead to the ground
Might god, father in the kingdom in heaven, give
They knew my brother Rådengård

Now the giant warrior lies
And his blood runs away
Little Grimmer lives again
And carries away his red gold

Thank shall little Grimmer have
So well he saved his honour
The month that came after this
He let his marriage happen.


Grimmer går på gulvet
Han kunne vel lege med sværd
I give mig Jomfru Ingeborg
Udi vorherres færd

Nu seljer han,
Grimmer af landet

Mig tykkes du est så liden
Du kann dig ikke omhugge
Hvor du kommer blandt kæmper
De driver dig all til rygge?

Ikke er jeg så liden
Jeg kann mig jo vel værge
Når jeg slagis med kæmper
Mit sværd kann je vel røre

Grimmer tager ad døren du
Alt både med harm og sorg
Hvad svar fik du af fader min
Sagde jomfru Ingeborg

Det var liden grimmer
Han stirer sin snekke til land
Det var store Kamperen
Han rækker hanndem hvide hånd

Vi gå os på Vimminghøj
Og der skal striden stande
En af os skal livet lade
Førend vi af kredsen gange

Det første hug som Kamperen gav
Han var så gram i ord
Han hug til liden Grimmer
Så han faldt ned til jord

Op stod liten Grimmer
Han dvælede ikke ret længe
Du skal stande mig et igen
Før solen går til senge

Det andet hug kom Grimmer til
Han hug med højre hænde
Han hug im Kamperens forgyldte hjelm
Så odden I hjertet vende

Det mælte Kamperen samme stund
Da han faldt død til jord
Give det Gud fader i himmerig
De vidste min broder Rådengård

Nu ligger store Kamperen
Og blodet rinder hannem til døde
Igen lever liden Grimmer
Tager bort hans guld det røde

Tak have liden Grimmer
Så vel holdt han sin ære
Månedsdagen der efter kom
Lod han sit bryllup gøre.


The thread of life is cut
The voyage comes to an end
My cup is empty
The heartstrings have burst
The ballad is sung
The oars reeled in

The light in my lantern has burned out, life comes to an end
Search no more as the message is send, the dead body burns.
Nails to the ship

My scull lays
Down to sleep
Don’t forget to trim my nails
I don’t know, for the vessel
The material and the boat planks
Remember this story

The light in my lantern has burned out, life comes to an end
Search no more as the message is send, the dead body burns.
Nails to the ship


Lívstráður kvettist
ferð kom at enda.
Steypur mín drukkin í botn.
Hjartaband brostið,
kvæðið er kvøðið,
takið nú árarnar inn.

Ljós mítt í lyktu brent, lív levnað ent.
Leit ei meir, tað boð er sent, deytt Likam brent.

Skøltin mín leggja,
niður at sova.
Gloym ei, negl mínar sker.
Veit ei, tí farið
Viðin og borðið,
minnist til søguna her.

Ljós mítt í lyktu brent, lív levnað ent.
Leit ei meir, tað boð er sent, deytt Likam brent.


Cold and deserted, the last try
Before the body sinks into the sea
You stood fast on the land of the forefathers
Now that your hour shall come

Hunting the wind, chasing the breeze
You pursued your cause and your dreams

Dark and grey is the deserted coast
Now, as the fate sets sails
Do you want to know, my friend
What the last hour looks like?

Dark and dreary is your face
Now, that the hour of fate begins
Nothing is fast under your feet anymore
And the light will expire

Hunting the wind, chasing the breeze
You pursued your cause and your dreams


Kalt og oyði, síðsta roynd,
áðrenn likam søkkur í hav.
Stóð tú fast á fedra grund,
nú tímin tin koma skal.

Veiddi vind, jagstra lot,
elti tú tínar sakir og dreymar.

Myrk og grá er oyðin strond,
nú lagnan setti síni segl.
Vilt tú vita, vinur mín,
hvussu síðsti tímin gekk?

Døkt og kámt er andlit títt,
nú lagnutími stundar til.
Fast undir fótum er ei meir,
og ljósið sløkkjast vil.

Veiddi vind, jagstra lot,
elti tú tínar sakir og dreymar.


Walking through dark gorges
Turning the back to this heavy world
Alone in loneliness
The sun sends me shadows

Choose the way on the beautiful field
Choose the path that you like
Set your foot forward free
Take a deep breath and the heart beats

Listen to the forefathers
Who walked the same path
Hear voices whisper in the cliffs
Following you through the spaces and fields

High above you hear the croaking
Ravens fly high in the sky
A message they send of everything they see
Bringing it fast to father’s step

Listen to the forefathers
Who walked the same path
Hear voices whisper in the cliffs
Following you through the spaces and fields


Gangið gjøgnum myrkar gjáir,
vendi bak til vondu verð.
Einagongd í einsemi,
sólin skuggar sendi mær.

Vel tú leið á víddir vakra
vel tað slóð, ið hugar tær.
Fótin set tú fram so frían,
anda tungt og hjarta slær.

Lýð tú á teir fedrar fornu,
ið gingu á tí somu leið.
Hoyr í homrum røddir teska,
Fylgja tær um vídd og teig.

Yvir høvur tað gorrið letur,
ravnar flúgva á skýum hátt.
Boð teir senda og alt teir síggja
Frættist skjótt við faðirs gátt.

Lýð tú á teir fedrar fornu,
ið gingu á tí somu leið.
Hoyr í homrum røddir teska,
Fylgja tær um vídd og teig.
